Tonights show becomes a parody of itself as its all gossip and drama/shit talking, but with a redemable ending when Sexual Chocolate gives Hawk some advice on what to do when a girl is friendly and talkative at work, then turns cold and unresponsive in all future interactions...what to do, what to do...
Sexual Chocolate
(Decibel quits podcast!?)
*Decibel has decided not to do the podcast anymore unless Maharaja gets banned (we will get into detail)
*Lambchop412 gets soaked in emmense ejactulation from the squirter
*CC invades the Edison
*Steamroller wants to buy his girl a black dildo
*Sexual Chocolate explains Johnny's weird leg twitch
*Sexual Chocolate gives us his break down of why So Cal Lair died
*Erika Awakening gets creeped out by Johnny Wolf?
*Disecting Johnny Woof, including underhanded/unethical practices which put thier friendship in the dumpster (including El Topo's shocking revelation of un-consensual shower sex)
*What other lairs/sarge crews, especially CC can learn from So Cal Lair's self destruction.
*Hawk discusses his 1 on 1 session with Ross Jeffries and how it was the most confusing expereince of his entire life.
*Did Ross have Satanic paraphenilia at his apartment?
*Why Steamroller hates Lucifer and Midnight from the PUA Hate forums
*Steamrollers long anti Ross anti PUA HATE rant
All this and MUCH MUCH more!
Show will be up at 11pm on
or download here:
PUA Hate is not mentioned a single time, do not bother clicking.
Out of all the folks on the podcast only Sexual Chocolate comes close to sounding like a normal man. The rest have high pitched, squealy little voices.
The Spanish guy Hydro is cool but gullible. He should quit pickup and become normal.
I have seen J the Ripper, he sounds Mexican, but he should get in touch with his roots and visit China.
Steamroller sounds fat, and makes fart noises all the time.
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Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, when can I get the invite to sit around, drink tea and play bridge with you cool motherfuckers?
Sweetheart, I know that gabbing with your girlfriends is really important to you and I respect that. But I really get a kick out of seeing you girls sitting around and gossiping. If anything, it makes my time with my male friends more interesting because it's easy to see the different polarity in the sexes.
Trust me, it's nothing to get your panties all in a bunch over.
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That's ok. I don't normally play bridge, drink tea or listen to whiny bitches but I was willing to make a concession in your "crew's" case.
I think that you should reconsider.
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No Asian should stoop so fucking low as to be in your crappy "crew." What is this the skinhead's kindergarden clubhouse? Any Asian who joins this crew of pussies is not deserving to be called an Asian and needs to be kicked out of my race.
I actually listened to this turd of aural embarrassment, and I have to say that jtr, Steamroller, and Sexual Chocolate are three of the most sorry pieces of petty backstabbing trash that I have ever heard. Listening to these three girly voices wining about other PUA's that are ten times better than them is worse than having my ears assaulted by a pack of wild chickens pecking my eardrums out.
I am not ever going to subject myself to another of these mind numbingly unintelligent podcasts again. I feel like I have to pound my head against a wall for a couple hours to cleanse myself of this travesty and I recommend you avoid it.
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Besides jtr's blatant lies about what the podcast covers, nothing in this is useful to picking up girls at all and the only relevant content is when this clueless foreign guy with no balls after years of pickup, Hawk, asks for advice on how to fuck a girl at work after seeing her and awkwardly fluff talked her so many times she doesn't want to have anything to do with him. All of them have useless advise for him. They should have told him to lay off her and forget about her before she gets him fired for sexual harassment. None of these three "Experts" could recognize that the girl has absolutely no interest in him and their advice, especially by Sexual Chocolate is a load of crap.
Anyway, avoid these podcasts at all cost, they will ruin your mind.
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